From Fuzzy Down to Busy Town

John Hockin’s corn store along the Strand, Bude.   Alan McIntosh brings us the story of how the members of the Edwards family progressed from being lowly employed labourers to owning businesses involved in the early development of Bude’s trade.   Research shows that the Edwards family probably came to Cornwall by links with the…Continue Reading “From Fuzzy Down to Busy Town”

My Cornish Village

St Agnes Beacon   For some time we have been hoping to include an article about this north Cornish village which some would say is one of Cornwall’s jewels in its crown. Then along comes Mike Ricks, firstly with a poem and now an article about his village of birth – St Agnes. It is…Continue Reading “My Cornish Village”

Another article by Alan Murton, master wordsmith, who never fails to paint a picture of his beloved Truro. This one, about Richmond Hill, is truly evocative and full of nostalgia.   I was born on a hill – not surprising in Truro really, not just any old hill though – it was Richmond Hill where…Continue Reading “Richmond Hill – The Place Where I was born”

This short piece by Tony Mansell first appeared in the Western Morning News series “My Favourite Place”. Looe features in Tony’s early life and his memories of it will long remain.   Happiness is transient, fleeting, ephemeral, but was it always so? Weren’t we once able to trap it in the palm of our hand;…Continue Reading “The Looe Fisherman”

This account by Les Donnithorne, a Mitchell man, was discovered after his death. It is the recollections of someone whose only motivation was to record the history of his village. His son, also Les, was determined that his father’s story should be made public and joined with Cornish historian, Tony Mansell, to publish it here,…Continue Reading “Mitchell – As I Recall It”

Today is Flora Day in Helston. It is, for me, a beautiful day. I give you this in the hope that one day, you shall go along and share the enjoyment that, for one day in May, fills the entire town. Helston’s Flora Day is one of my favourite days of the year. It may…Continue Reading “Helston Flora Day: the basics”