Charles Chegwyn – A Grass Roots Bandsman

Charles Chegwyn By Tony Mansell   Henry Chegwyn (1829-1924), Charlie’s father, was born and died in Trevella, a house in Algers (Algiers on maps), Feock, which his father had built. He was a stonemason and at least two of his children, including Charles who is the subject of this article, followed him into that trade….Continue Reading “Charles Chegwyn – A Grass Roots Bandsman”

Joseph Antonia Emidy

Joseph Emidy’s Memorial at the Seafarer’s Mission, Falmouth   The fascinating story of Joseph Antonia Emidy has been mostly gleaned from the autobiography of one of his pupils, the Cornish-born politician and slavery abolitionist, James Silk Buckingham, who wrote about Emidy’s life up to 1807. Others have written about him, mostly using Buckingham’s material, and…Continue Reading “Joseph Antonia Emidy”

Teetotalism is the abstinence from alcoholic beverages and in this article, Tony Mansell considers how it impacted on brass bands. To begin, however, he reflects on the origin and growth of the temperance movement.   The temperance movement had its beginnings in Preston where a society was founded in 1833 by social reformer, local politician,…Continue Reading “Brass Bands and the Temperance Movement”

The Trelawny Shout – the annual St Piran’s Day community rendition of Cornwall’s most famous anthem – is gearing up to produce another great night out for 2019. Now a firm fixture in the county’s March 5th celebrations, its success is in its simplicity: One song, one night, but thousands of voices raising the roofs of pubs…Continue Reading “Get up and shout!”

Join Sue Ellery-Hill as she chats about the upcoming book launch for Brenda Wootton’s biography. I’m sure other people must have parents who dwell for a while in the full spotlight of public attention… I found it, initially exciting, then challenging, at times boring, irritating and downright annoying, but ultimately – exhilarating – and was…Continue Reading “Writing about your mother… Brenda Wootton’s Biography”

Continuing the Music Kernow series, Kiera Smitheram examines the influence of Cornish music and culture and reveals how it has moulded her thinking and her life. Music in Cornwall is an integral part of that which helps to make the county unique. From brass to choral music to dances, the Cornish musical landscape is as…Continue Reading “Music Kernow – A Renaissance of Heritage”