Mapping Methodism – Georgia Primitive Methodist Chapel

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Towednack was the village where the last service in the Cornish language was held. There were once 22 tin mines in Towednack parish alone. Towednack Feast is held on the nearest Sunday to 28th April. It is called the ‘Cuckoo Feast’ and there is a tradition that the cuckoo must be heard before it is held. It is also called ‘Crowder’s Feast’ or ‘Fiddler’s Feast’ because the fiddler formed a procession at the Church door and led the people through the village to some lively tune on his crowd (fiddle). The Old Chapel is a north west facing property on Georgia Hill. This profile of Georgia Primitive Methodist Chapel has been compiled by Val Thomas with information from ‘My Primitive Methodists’, by Christopher Hill.


1843 Charles Wesley used Matt 11:28 as his text for preaching at Towednack on 17/7/43.

He was there again on 24/7/43 and used Isa 63:1. Charles and John Wesley originally came under attack for their preaching in St Ives, Pool and the village of Towednack. However, the first Methodist circuit was the large fishing village of St Ives: the largest crowds in the area gathered in the tin mining districts that surround the village. Huge crowds in these more industrial areas often listened to open air preaching by Wesley, which often took place as early as 5.00am before the start of the working day.


1851 The census shows how few people lived on Georgia Hill and Georgia at the time of the census. It also shows Thomas Chapel, aged 8 was a Sunday scholar, as was his sister Elizabeth age 11 but their sister aged 13 was a stamps girl. Charles Payn age 5 was also a Sunday scholar. This must mean that there was a Sunday school at this time. There was a day school in Towednack. Interestingly, when talking to a knowledgeable neighbour, he said there was the remains of an older chapel in the field off the track behind the Old Chapel building. I have not found evidence of this chapel yet but will continue to research for it. Could this older chapel have been used as a school?

1870 The village was missioned by the Primitive Wesleyans in 1870.

The Hon Mrs Gilbert provided the land for the chapel on a 60-year lease “at a nominal rent”.

1871 The Foundation stone was laid on June 20th 1871 by Capt. R. Perry. The opening took place from October 22nd 1871, when the preachers included the ministers E. Richards and Jas Eddy. The chapel seated 100people and cost over £100 with £30. outstanding at the time of opening. Donors of money or practical equipment included Capt Perry, C. Magniac (MP), C.T. Harris. W.L. Harris and Mr and Mrs E. Richards.

1872 The Primitive Methodist magazine for January 1872 contains an account by S.J.S. of the establishment and opening of Georgia Primitive Methodist Chapel, in the village of Towednack. – Extract from ‘My Primitive Methodists’.

1883 Kelly’s directory. The chapel is named as being on Georgia Hill, which is what the position was referred to at that time.

 ‘The Cornishman’ Thursday May 15th. An entertainment was given on Saturday evening. Mr. P. Hampton (St Erth) presided and Mr. W. Hall was at the organ. He proceeds were on behalf of the school funds.

On July 3rd The Cornish Telegraph reported that “the Sunday school held their annual festival. The children and teachers formed a procession, headed by Towednack Bass Band, and visited the vicinity. After returning the children were regaled with buns and tea, followed by a public tea. The event was patronised by a good gathering and everything was pleasant, and a most enjoyable time was spent. … the band disposed of a good selection of music.” under the conductorship of Mr. T. Humphries.

2nd October. The Cornishman newspaper reported that the chapel had held their harvest festival. A public tea was held on Saturday. A zonophone kindly lent by Mr A. Kunne was greatly appreciated. On Sunday the services were continued. In the afternoon the Penzance Mission choir entertained. Evening services were conducted by Mr J. White and Mrs J. Turner. The choir rendered hymns suitable for the occasion. Miss V. Turner very ably presided at the organ.

(Mr J. White seems to have been linked to Mount Street Primitive Methodist Chapel, Penzance, where his sister Miss H.A. White as the organist and many other family members were leaders. Mr J. White Jnr is also a leader in the chapels.)

2011 The chapel had been converted to residential use but still retains the stone tablet over the front door.

2021 The Old Chapel is now a large house which is on the top of a hill with very little around it in terms of housing. It retains the date and title over the door but it looks as if the porch has been enlarged.

Images: Val Thomas




‘My Primitive Methodists’, by Christopher Hill.

‘Find my Past’ newspaper records and census –compiled by C. Norman Hollow on his retirement in 1977 as churchwarden

National Maps of Scotland.

The Fascinating History of Methodism in Cornwall.

John Wesley in Cornwall, 1st and 2nd visits – David Edward Pike.










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