A key aim of Cornish Story is to promote a greater knowledge of Cornwall in an international context. Our story both in the past and present is global. It is not restricted to the far South West of Britain but to places and communities both on this island and overseas.
We would therefore like to build on previous articles relating both to the history of the so-called Cornish Diaspora and the personal testimonies of their descendants today. If you are connected to a Cornish association in countries like Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America please get in contact with any potential articles or photographic essays relating to the communal and individual histories of your ancestors. News on Diaspora events today would also be welcomed along with perspectives on how your Cornish identity is still important in the contemporary world. Cornish Story is also a platform for scholars who are interested in Cornish Diaspora Studies and we would like to play an active role in promoting links between the academy and the community. Those perspectives are not limited to conventional migration destinations since we wish to go in search of the global Cornish that have not been placed under the spotlight.
In addition, how Kernow engages with the Celtic world is another subject for discussion. In 2020 we are hoping to launch a series of articles as part of Global Kernow relating to the other Celtic nations and our long-term goal is to build up a network of Celtic researchers operating at both the academic and communal levels thereby promoting cultural exchange, research projects, and book/digital dissemination. This will include studies relating to Brenow (Breizh-Kernow), an ongoing project that will compare and contrast the historical and contemporary experiences of Brittany and Cornwall.
If you would like to participate in Global Kernow please contact us. Meur ras!
Your readers may be interested in our new book ‘Growing Up in West Cornwall’. If you will send me an email address, I can give you our flier, with full description of contents.
Thank you. Please email cornishstudies@exeter.ac.uk