Nevil Northey Burnard (1818-1878)

Neville Northey Burnard was a Cornish sculptor born in the village of Altarnun, on the edge of Bodmin Moor. Paul Phillips of Helston tells the story of this talented man and his work.     Nevil Northey Burnard was the son of a stone mason, George Burnard. He was born and lived at Penpont, (Penpont was the…Continue Reading “Nevil Northey Burnard (1818-1878)”

Paul Phillips (Kaffler Rannyeth) relays the little-known story of a wartime deception which fooled the Germans and probably saved Falmouth Docks. (An extract taken from a more inclusive Paper on the History of Nare Point)   “The war robbed me of my youth”.                                                                                         “They were the best days of my life”.                                                                                                  “People were so…Continue Reading “Nare Point WWII Decoy Unit”

In this article on Leedstown Paul Phillips of Helston tells the story of a relatively well-known village where he spent his formative years. In the grand scheme of things Leedstown is a comparatively young village.  Its “Square” forms a crossroad on the B3302 Helston to Hayle Road and the B3280 Praze-an-Beeble to Marazion Road. It…Continue Reading “Leedstown”