Mapping Methodism – Sawah (Ardensawah or Ardensaweth) Wesleyan Chapel
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Sawah (Sowa) is northwest of St Levan Churchtown. This profile of Sawah (Ardensawah or Ardensaweth) Wesleyan Chapel has been compiled by Jo Lewis and Tony Mansell.
Location unknown.
Pre-1800: build date. (Methodism in West Penwith – A Heritage at Risk)
Seating for 180. (Methodism in West Penwith – A Heritage at Risk)
1842: There was a farm, village and Wesleyan chapel here (Symons 1884).
1869?: Closure date albeit it was in a weak state. (West Penwith Resources / Methodism in West Penwith – A Heritage at Risk)
1869: Chapel in weak condition. Replaced by St Levan (Little Trethewey). (Methodism in West Penwith – A Heritage at Risk)
1869: The Re-Opening of St. Levan Chapel. At this ceremony, Oct. 8th, the following report was read: St. Levan New Chapel, Oct. 8th, 1869. The want of a new chapel, to substitute Sowa Chapel, which is in a weak, and Bottoms Chapel, which is in a dilapidated, condition, has been felt for several years; but some difference of opinion as to the most desirable site delayed action in the matter til about 18 months ago. The present site was then fixed upon, as being central not only to the congregations of Sowa and Bottoms but also convenient for those worshipping at Treen. The building as commenced about 16 months ago, and, by God’s blessing has now, with the exception of some fittings, been brought to completion. With gratitude to God’s good providence, we this day record that no accident to life or limb has occurred during its erection, and we fervently pray that the spiritual blessing and presence of our Heavenly Father may this day descend and evermore abide upon this house, so that it may be the spiritual birthplace of many hundred. The cost of such a chapel has, of course, been considerable. It will, altogether, somewhat exceed £600. Towards this sum there has been promised, in contributions and teamwork, £325 8s 9½d. Of this there has been actually received £287 2s 9½d, including £20, the worth of the site, and £54 8s, the teamwork. The total expenditure to this time has been £312 0s 1d. While our financial circumstances thus oblige us to solicit the continued generosity of our friends through the opening services, we would gratefully acknowledge the liberality already shown by them. The subscriptions promised or received, have been – sums of £10 and upwards, seven subscribers, £115; five pounds, twelve subscribers, £60: one pound, and less than five, thirty-eight subscribers, £80 0s 9½d. with smaller sums. I feel that I should omit a part of my duty, as secretary to the Chapel Building Committee, did I not acknowledge the zeal and well-directed energy of Mr. Hodge, form the beginning even until now; and I am sure that the subscribers will unanimously agree with me that that gentleman, besides being the greatest subscriber, has also been in labours more abundant. – G. F. GASSON, Sec. (West Penwith Resources)
1870: Sawah (Ardensawah or Ardensaweth) Wesleyan Chapel replaced by chapel built at Polgigga.
1888: Not marked on maps.