Escalls is a hamlet in the civil parish of Sennen on the Penwith peninsula in west Cornwall. Jo Lewis and Tony Mansell have compiled this profile of Escalls Bible Christian Chapel.
1832 Chapel
Recorded as a Bible Christian chapel on the 1st Edition 1:2500 1880 OS Map. A building is still shown on the 2nd Edition 1907 OS Map but is not labelled. (Heritage Gateway)
The chapel was north of the village at the apex of Escalls Moor in a field. It can be seen on old maps. The chapel is now lost, replaced by its successor in 1900. The field wall may well contain stones from it.
1832: Founded. (West Penwith Resources)
Seats for 200. (West Penwith Resources)
1851: Richard Nicholas was elder. (West Penwith Resources)
1898: SENNEN. Bible Christian Chapel had their harvest thanksgiving on Saturday. The chapel was tastefully decorated. A well-patronised tea was followed by a meeting at seven p.m. the following Sunday services were conducted the chapel Mr. J. E. Hallo, of St. Just. Afternoon and evening by Rev, Brenton. (Cornishman – Thursday 29 September 1898)
1900 Chapel
We hope that there is no objection at this photo being taken from the West Cornwall Circuit web page
The 1900 Bible Christian chapel and Sunday school are on the east side of the A30 road.
The chapel is well known for the surfboard cross above the door.
The chapel has its own graveyard.
1900: Build date.
1900: Sennen. New Bible – Christian Chapel for Sennen. On Monday memorable and interesting services were held at Sennen, by Bible-Christians, which were accompanied by much enthusiasm, large-hearted liberality, and hearty circuit co-operation. For some years a new chapel has been much needed there. An eligible site has been given by Messrs. Hicks and family and, on Monday afternoon, good representative gathering witnessed the laying of five memorial stone. The service was conducted by the Rev. J. Finch. Prayer being offered and chapter 22 of 2nd Chronicles being read, trustees, society, Sunday-school, visitors’ and circuit stones were well and truly laid by Messrs. Oates. Hicks, Thomas, Barnes, and H. Thomas. appropriate address was given by Rev. R. Squire, of Redruth. A public tea followed, and was largely patronized, after which a crowded meeting was held in the old historic chapel over which Mr. W. R. Oates presided. Inspiring speeches were given by Mr. H. Thomas, C.C., Rev. J. Finch, and Rev. R. Squire. The building estimated to cost towards which some have been already subscribed. Messrs. C. Matthews and J. Jilbert are the contractors. (Cornishman – Thursday 28 June 1900)
SENNEN. On Sunday, September 27th, the harvest thanksgiving services were held at the Bible Christian chapel, Sennen. The decorations were quite up to former years and spoke well for all who worked so hard and carried it out with such success. Two sermons were preached by Mr. W. T. Oats—afternoon and evening—to large congregations. In the afternoon special hymns were sung. Solos were taken by Miss Tonkin and Master Ray Lugg. In the evening an anthem was rendered by the choir, entitled ” Feast of harvest,” under the leadership of Miss Lugg, organist. (Cornishman – Thursday 08 October 1903)
1906: TENDERS are invited for the erection of new SCHOOLROOM at Sennen Bible Christian Chapel. Plans, etc., may be seen on application Mr. J. C. Thomas… (The Cornish Telegraph – Thursday 18 October 1906)
1907: Bible Christians – In connection with the Sennen chapel a new schoolroom would shortly be opened and a graveyard dedicated. (The Cornish Telegraph – Thursday 27 June 1907)
1907: NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR SENNEN. FOUNDATION STONE LAYING. In connection with the proposed new Christian Sunday school at Sennen, the St Just circuit, the stone laying ceremony took place on Wednesday, January 16th. An appropriate sermon was preached by Rev. T. E. Mundy from toe text Isaiah 49, 1-3. After the sermon the audience repaired to the site of the proposed new schoolroom at the end of the chapel. Here the Rev. E. Rogers conducted the service… The Rev. E. Rogers said that very great praise was due to the people for the hearty way the whole matter had been taken up: Not long since a new chapel had been erected at Sennen at cost of £400. The liability had now been reduced to £70 (Applause). A school room had been a long felt want with the Bible Christians at Sennen. The dimensions of the proposed school are feet by 20 feet. v The Rev. E. Rogers then called upon Mr. Job Matthews to lay the first Sunday school stone. Mr. Thomas Nicholas laid stone for the society, and Mr. W. T. Oats, for the local preachers… The masonry work in the hands of Mr. J. Jelbert, and the carpentry being carried out by Mr. F. Thomas. The land on which the school is to be built, also a plot for the burial ground, has been generously given by Mr. G. B. Hicks, sen., of Trevedra. A bottle containing the circuit plan and a list of the officials of the school and circuit was placed under the Sunday school stone. The plans for the school were prepared by Mr. Henry Thomas, of Botrea. (Cornishman – Thursday 24 January 1907)
1907: Sunday school foundation Stone laying. (The Cornish Telegraph – Thursday 24 January 1907)
1907: The Methodist New Connexion, Bible Christians and United Methodist Free Churches amalgamated to become the United Methodist Church.
1932: The Wesleyan, Primitive Methodist and the United Methodist Church amalgamated to become the Methodist Church of Great Britain.
When I lived in Cornwall (1993 – 2015) my self & my wife started to catalogue all of the Chapels in Cornwall I have a list of over 1500. The original Eskalls Chapel base was still in the corner of the field and the farmer was using it as a dry storage area for his equipment