Self-taught artist Maureen Crofts displays an exceptional talent and we are delighted to display here just a few of her amazing creations.
The light and atmosphere in Cornwall enticed me to try painting. I started with watercolour pencils, had lots of fun and wanted to try another medium. I painted scenes of Cornwall in acrylic paint and sold them in several local galleries. I then decided to try watercolours and loved them. I took part in exhibitions in Cornwall and held my own exhibitions raising money for charities. I had paintings accepted in Wildlife exhibitions and in the Mall Galleries London. I have sold artwork from galleries in Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Worcestershire. Using graphite pencils in 2014, I submitted a drawing to a competition – for people aged over 60. Out of over 1200 entries, I won one of the 12 £100 prizes and afternoon tea at the House of Lords. Part of the tea was scones – with Cornish clotted cream.
After Dinner Drink – graphite
Anna’s Horse – watercolour
Fox – watercolour pencil
Looking Out – pastel
Poppy – watercolour pencil
Ladybird on Forget-Me-Not – watercolour
Boy on Beach – watercolour
Lying in wait – graphite
Carl Fogarty – watercolour
Friends – graphite
Peekaboo – watercolour
Reflections – graphite and watercolour
Maureen Crofts
I attended grammar school in Derbyshire and was told I couldn’t take Art for “O” level because it was not academic. The headmistress made me take Latin – which I failed. But I did get enough “O” levels to train as a teacher and I taught for a few years before moving to Cornwall in 1976.
Dave the Blacksmith – graphite – this won the £100 prize and afternoon tea at the House of Lords (EAC awards)
Sub-editors note: Perhaps my favourite: for the past few years it has been hanging on my wall.
The House of Lords Tea
My paintings have been sold worldwide and I have raised nearly £20,000 for various charities – mainly for Children’s Hospice SW.
Please visit my website www.maureencroftsfineart.co.uk
Enjoyed the pictures!!