Morwenstow Church – a poem by Ruth Tremayne Harry

There’s a Church in northern Cornwall Where an eccentric used to roam He was the vicar and a poet Morwenstow Church became his home Reverend Hawker was this cleric He wrote poetic sermons in his hut Made out of driftwood from the seashore From shipwrecked vessels out of luck With a service of thanksgiving And…Continue Reading “Morwenstow Church – a poem by Ruth Tremayne Harry”

The Specialist

A tongue-firmly-in-cheek poem based on the book The Specialist by Charles Sale.   Charles’s Lem Putt, illustrated by William Kermode   Here, Tony Mansell replaces Charles Sale’s Lem Putt with Benjamin Albert Tregaskes…a Cornish entrepreneur. Neither man existed with those names but those who created these necessaries were real and their creations were in use…Continue Reading “The Specialist”

Bosullow Well, a poem by David Oates

While clearing a ditch in that magical upland of West Penwith, just below the great hill-fort of Chûn, a farmer gradually revealed a relic from the distant past – a well with lintels of moorstone.  Its age is uncertain, its magic undeniable   From sunlit morn of dusty day Down steps worn smooth By countless…Continue Reading “Bosullow Well, a poem by David Oates”

The Journey by Bert Biscoe

Another poem from the pen and voice of one of Cornwall’s foremost poets   The Journey – (Truro – Redruth) (For audio, click on title)   The Number Forty bus from Truro To Redruth (via St Day) grinds a gear, Pulls into traffic and away – a jackdaw Departs the railway station’s ridge, Making its…Continue Reading “The Journey by Bert Biscoe”

Golitha Falls by Ruth Tremayne Harry

  Golitha Falls An autumn walk to cherish The colours inspire awe The River Fowey is flowing Like you’ve never seen before Draynes Wood is the beginning As the paths wind through the trees Where roots form stepping stones And moss and lichen frame the leaves You hear the rapids singing As you skirt the…Continue Reading “Golitha Falls by Ruth Tremayne Harry”

Pendragon – Owse up Treliske by Bert Biscoe

Another tongue-in-cheek poem from the pen and voice of one of Cornwall’s foremost poets           (Photo Steve Tanner) Vyager gans Geryow (Bert Biscoe) lives in Truro. He is a poet and songwriter whose work draws on his interest in history, politics, social justice and language. He represents the people of Moresk…Continue Reading “Pendragon – Owse up Treliske by Bert Biscoe”