Tredavoe is a hamlet west of Newlyn. This profile of Tredavoe Bible Christian Chapel has been compiled by Jo Lewis and Tony Mansell.
Bible Christian chapel plus attached later Sunday school, set in a small hamlet. Named ‘Jehovah-Jireh’ in a Hebrew inscription on upper window cill. Probably earlier than the inscribed date. Good vernacular example with simple pediment to the front end. Built of lime-washed local rubble under a scantle slate roof. Horse-shoe plan rubble forecourt wall in front of small entrance porch. Rare original fittings including c1844 small communion table and box pews removed during renovations in 1997. Listed and illustrated in Stell (b1). (Cornwall Heritage Gateway)
Tredavoe is a hamlet community that nestles above Newlyn, tucked away at the end of a half-mile lane that leads off The Coombe (B3315). There are references to Tredavoe in the National Archives as early as 1696 and the surrounding land is still farmed with cows, sheep and crops. There was once an adit mine for tin and some residents in Tredavoe can still remember when the ground subsided and exposed the disused mine works. Enclosed by fields and a short walk away from nearby woods, Tredavoe is a wonderful place to reconnect with nature and enjoy the peace of the countryside. There is an abundance of flora and fauna here. http://tredavoevillage.weebly.com/
Small, simple 1844 chapel. Limewashed granite rubble with protecting granite quoins. Entrance porch, enclosed, rubble, with crude pediment and pointed arch doorway, above granite pointed arch recessed panel and at gable head a short square turret with pointed head panels, and wind vane. Granite addition of 1899 at opposite southwest end. Interior, wood balustraded pulpit and lectern, simple panelled box pews with doors.
Tredavoe Village Chapel and School Room http://tredavoevillage.weebly.com/
1844: Build date. (Cornwall Heritage Gateway / SWChurches)
Built as a Bible Christian chapel. (SWChurches)
1907: The Methodist New Connexion, Bible Christians and United Methodist Free Churches amalgamated to become the United Methodist Church.
1932: The Wesleyan, Primitive Methodist and the United Methodist Church amalgamated to become the Methodist Church of Great Britain.
(Photo: Richard Preston of Helston OCS)
“The building, we were assured by our local guide, belongs to the village not the Methodists. The reason is splendid: it was built as a library for the 150 children in the village who didn’t go to school and could not read. The children used it on weekdays (how it ran or was supervised we don’t know), the men folk used it on a Saturday and so the benefactor, who had God will provide inscribed in Hebrew above the entrance, decided it should be a place of worship on Sunday. So, we’re not sure of its status as a Methodist chapel!” (Helston OCS member Richard Preston and submitted by Paul Phillips)
The war memorial here was transferred from Tregavarah chapel.
The following photographs were provided by Barry West
2015: Status – open. (SWChurches)
The chapel and school room also serve as the village hall and are looked after by a charitable trust.
Grade 2 listed building.
Wonderful to know more of the history. I attended Sunday school and other events here… many happy memories of an active community