Mapping Methodism – Bethel (Coombe) Bible Christian Chapel

Categories Mapping Methodism, Projects0 Comments

Bethel is located between Cowlands and Coombe in Cowlands Creek. This Profile of Bethel (Coombe) Bible Christian Chapel has been compiled by Jo Lewis and Tony Mansell.


Reported site of Post Medieval Bible Christian Chapel, now demolished. (Cornwall Council Heritage Gateway)

Walking round the creek from the Reading Room in Coombe, Feock, will bring you to Bethel Cottage. Nothing is marked on old maps but there are references to a tiny Bible Christian Chapel built at Bethel near Coombe. The nearby Bethel Cottage, conveniently situated on one of the main routes in or out of Coombe, was once a small shop and the path from Coombe to Bethel was called ‘shop lane’. Bethel derives its name from the Bible Christian chapel which was once there. Very little is known about the chapel and even in the 1970s there were few memories of its existence or who might have attended. (Peeps into the Past – A history of Coombe in photos by Author Cllr Nigel

A tiny Bible Christian Chapel was also built at Bethel near Coombe but little is known of it.

Build date unknown.

1907: The Methodist New Connexion, Bible Christians and United Methodist Free Churches amalgamated to become the United Methodist Church.

1910: Chapel shown included in a photo. (Peeps into the Past – A history of Coombe in photos by Author Cllr Nigel Baker)

Closure date unknown.

Later used as an apple store. (Peeps into the Past – A history of Coombe in photos by Author Cllr Nigel Baker)

It is not known when it was demolished.

Bethel Cottage is now a holiday let.

Peeps into the Past – A history of Coombe in photos by Author Cllr Nigel Baker:

Bethel Cottage (Photo: Jo Lewis)

Bethel Cottage (Photo: Jo Lewis)

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