This month, Bert Biscoe reads ‘A Shadow Departs’, a touching poem dedicated to the memory of Clarice Mortenson-Fowler who sadly passed away aged 97 on New Years eve 2013.
The daughter of the Captain of a Merchant Schooner, Clarice lived her entire life in Truro, where she became a well known and popular figure. She was a regular presence at local parades and fundraising events, raising more than £100,000 for various charities, including the NSPCC, RNLI and Marie Curie Cancer Care. Clarice was recognised as an Honorary Citizen of the City of Truro in recognition of her public service.
It is our privilege to honour this great lady, however, we don’t know a great deal about her personal story. If anyone has any stories or information that they would like to share, please leave a comment below. If we receive enough interest we could perhaps write an article celebrating her life.
If you enjoyed ‘A Shadow Departs’, you can read more of our Cornish themed poems here, and Bert’s last offering ‘Map Truro’ here. Join us next month for more in our poetry series.
I have a Christmas card signed by Clarice, she gave it to me at a fundraising event she also told me never to part with it