Billy at the Band Contest

Tony Mansell is in frivolous mood as he brings us another slice of brass band history involving our hero, Billy Annear. It’s from an article from the Cornish Telegraph of the 14th of August 1913 and is very heavily garnished with Cornish dialect.   You may recall The Extraordinary Band Contest, an article involving the…Continue Reading “Billy at the Band Contest”

Fresh Fish

Photo: courtesy of the Shipwright Arms Another dialect story from Trevor Dalley, featuring his old friends, Albert and Joey. As usual, they’re on the make but who can resist the charm and cunning of these two Cornish characters. Certainly not this couple of visitors to our shores.   I took a long pull on my…Continue Reading “Fresh Fish”

A Darts Match in Tyacks

Albert by Matthew Bond, a Camborne boy in his first year at Oxford Brookes University.   Trevor Dalley is a Cornish raconteur – a writer of stories. He was taking part in a creative writing class when Albert suddenly appeared on his shoulder, as it were. Joey, another of his characters, is based on a…Continue Reading “A Darts Match in Tyacks”