List of Titles

(Scroll down for more information)

Marching to a Different Drum

Cornish Herstory

Cornish Democracy

Saffron Bun Chapel

Kernow Ow Bro

In Search Of Cornwall

New Publication to mark Black History Month




Marching to a Different Drum

(The Great Civil War)

Historical Novel



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The English Civil War, or more properly the British Civil War, was a conflict involving the entire Kingdom. Its true beginnings pre-date the start of the fighting in 1642 by many years and its conclusion stretches well beyond 1646 when this book ends with the story half told.

There may be some surprise that Cornwall played host to so much activity and that its army was so important to the King’s initial success but its part has not been overstated or embellished here. The Cornish involvement is faithfully portrayed and the trap of distorting history for the sake of entertainment has been strenuously avoided. It is a true record of the part Cornwall played in this momentous struggle.


30 April 2024

Cornish Herstory


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This impressive publication brings together the work of a team of researchers who cover the stories of women in relation to areas like maritime communities, banking, eighteenth century politics, First World War, landed estates and song.

Edited by Dr Lesley Trotter of the Institute of Cornish Studies


11 September 2023

Cornish Democracy

Studies of Governance and Identity


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Cornish Democracy investigates the process of democratic governance in Cornwall in the aftermath of the failure to establish an elected Mayor of Cornwall in 2023. Subjects covered include the historical foundations of Cornwall’s political culture, the popular petition campaign for a Cornish Assembly in 2001 (see photograph above), multi-level governance in relation to parish and town councils, economic frameworks for devolution, a political settlement in relation to the Cornish language, a Cornish constitution and the need for a clearer route map in the direction of greater Cornish autonomy.


25 November 2022

Saffron Bun Chapel


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The Saffron Bun Chapel is built as the centrepiece of the Methodist Mining community,  in Upper Peninsula, Michigan State. It is set in 1900, at a time when two Cousin Jacks emigrate to America, from the exhausted mines of Cornwall to seek their fortune. They find the community named Copper Mountain, after the ore. Each miner bought over his own Knockie for help, in spite of its mischievous ways

14 October 2022

Kernow ow Bro



Click here to read the story

Michael Tate writes about the autobiography and remarkable life of the late Howard Curnow. 

31 January 2022

In Search Of Cornwall


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In Search of Cornwall is the fourth volume in the third series of Cornish Studies and intended as the catalyst for a new collection of thematic volumes that will develop both the series and the discipline over the next few years.


30 October 2020

New Publication to mark Black History Month


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Dispatches From Penzance J. A. Rogers and the Place of Cornish ‘Race Relations’ in the context of African American Historiography. By Madeleine Midgley.