Mapping Methodism – Rosewarne Road Bible Christian Chapel, Camborne
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Camborne is a town in Cornwall. This profile of Rosewarne Road Bible Christian Chapel, Camborne, has been compiled by David Thomas.
The Bible Christian denomination was founded in North Cornwall in 1815 and 14 years later in 1829 the first local Bible Christian chapel was built in Rosewarne Road in Camborne. This building was later renovated in 1871. It was never fully completed and at its northern side in distant photographs of around 1900 can be seen a temporary wooden cap on its stumpy tower, rather like a pyramid, which was later removed.
The building went out of use in around 1909, following Bible Christian Union with the United Methodist Free Church in 1907 and this event in Camborne was the catalyst for the construction of the Trelowarren Street United Methodist Church opened in 1909. There is a tantalising glimpse of the bottom of the organ case between the choir pews.
In this view from the autumn of 1906 we see the decorations for one of the last chapel Harvest Festivals. The minister, Revd F J Highley Coles and his wife stand in the rostrum. There is a profusion of fruit and veg while corn dollies hang from the underside of the gallery. This is the only image I have ever seen in nearly 50 years collecting of this building when in use, taken by E A Bragg the Illogan photographer.
After it ceased to be a chapel the building had various uses, including Luke Anthony engineering and more recently as Camborne market. Today this structure, which once resounded to the Lord’s praises in true Bible Christian evangelical style, has reverted to residential accommodation.