Mapping Methodism – Tregeseal Wesleyan Chapel / Sunday school

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Tregeseal is a hamlet in a valley below the town of St Just in west Cornwall. This profile of Tregeseal Wesleyan Chapel/Sunday school has been compiled by Jo Lewis and Tony Mansell.


A school is recorded on the 1st Edition 1:2500 1880 OS map at this location in Tregeseal. By 1907, the 2nd Edition 1:2500 OS map shows a Sunday School, indicating the school has combined with other local schools and relocated to the new County Primary School in St Just. (Heritage Gateway

The old Sunday school is set back on the north side of the road at the east end of the village.

1864: The centenary celebrations in 1964 may confirm this as the build date although there is also reference to 1851.

What is known is that this building was used as a Sunday school for St Just Wesley.

Before 1890 the newspapers reports variously refer to Tregeseal Chapel and Tregeseal Sunday School but, seemingly, after 1890 or thereabouts, only the Sunday school is mentioned.

1890: There were six Wesleyan Chapels, four Bible Christian Chapels and two Wesleyan Reform Chapels, in the parishes of St Just and Pendeen, in addition a separate Wesleyan Sunday School at Tregeseal. (Methodism in West Penwith – A Heritage at Risk) 

1925: Tregeseal Wesleyan: “The valley was gay with flags and banners flying, in charge of officers and teachers, was a fine sight. Marching to the strains of the St Just Silver Band, the gay procession streamed through the valley, Nancherrow Hill and so on through the principal streets of the town.” (1 July 1925 – Cornishman)

1945: Tregeseal Sunday School: “The Summer Festival procession came up from the valley and paraded the town headed by the Pendeen Silver Band. Returning to the school the children were supplied with tea and buns.” (5 July 1945 – Cornishman)

11th -13th September 1964: Souvenir programme, Centenary celebrations, Tregeseal Sunday School, St Just in Penwith. Programme of events with historical notes, 1854-1964. Copy of original document. (Kresen Kernow MRSJ/772)

The Centenary celebrations in 1964 suggest a build date of 1864.

1992: “A Methodist Sunday School that now longer exists, although the building remains as a house in Tregeseal, St Just. As a member of Pendeen Band this was an annual event that was always a pleasure to look forward to. Tea treat saffron buns, splits, dough cake, strong tea and the last hymn was St Clements.” (Steve Waite on Facebook)

1995: Closure date but the CMHA (Facebook) notes a christening in 1979. “First baby in 100 years and last baby ever christened in Tregeseal Sunday School 1979.”

Became a dwelling.









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