Mapping Methodism – Gew United Methodist Free Church

Categories Mapping Methodism, Projects0 Comments

Gew is a small community to the north of Praze-an-Beeble. This profile of Gew United Methodist Free Chapel has been compiled by Jo Lewis and Tony Mansell.


A Wesleyan (seemingly United Methodist Free Church) Methodist chapel is recorded on the 1st Edition 1:2500 1880OS Map. A building is shown on the 2nd Edition 1907 OS Map but not labelled. No building is shown on the modern Mastermap. (Cornwall Heritage Gateway)

“GEW CHAPEL. Recently a plan of the preachers’ appointments in the Camborne Circuit of the United Methodist Free Churches, dated 1887, came into my possession. There are ten chapels shown in the circuit. Nine are known to me. The tenth, Gew, I have never heard of. Perhaps one of your readers can inform me of the situation of the Gew Chapel. J T VIVIAN, 52 Trevenson Street. Camborne. Editor’s note: Mr. Vivian’s query was referred to the Rev Thomas Shaw of St. Keverne, general secretary of the Wesley Historical Society, who replies that he is fairly certain that Gew is the farm on the Camborne side of Praze, and that the society that met there in 1887 moved into Praze when they built their chapel there in 1889. Certainly, Gew appears on an official of chapels and preaching places in 1887 but it is replaced by Praze on a similar list of 1892. ** It to possible that there was a modest chapel at Gew but more likely the society there met in the farmhouse.” (West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser – Thursday 28 September 1972)

We cannot be certain but it seems likely from the Rev Thomas Shaw’s notes that the society only existed for a few years during the 1880s.

**Circa 1890: Closed.








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